Thursday, February 28, 2008

oh, panama

i am leaving you soon i think (you know how things change). but what an unexpected suprise in my life. who knew i would stay this long?
you know those old metal blue birl school buses we rode when we were kids? with the sea foam ceilings and the brown vinyl seats? remember when they upgraded to buses without fronts? well i think we gave all our old ones to panama city and this is how boring we are because they all look like this. javier and i have been catching these express back and forth from the city and la chorrera, the 'hood 30 minutes away where his family lives. we're stocking up on hoodies, jeans, nag champa, and everything else you need when you are going to colombia tomorrow. there is not much of a plan, tentatively a week in botoga, and either north to cartagena/venezuela or south to quito. we'll see. i'm hoping to find a job in one of these places, so put some energy toward that if you think of it. it'd be nice to find something that is more than a trade for room/board, but where i could actually make money. although i love cooking, i don't think i could work at a restaurant for a month and be able to save money. but i believe that what i need is out there and will present itself when it's time. if i am wandering around latin america without learning something about faith and provision and my place in this world, somebody slap me.

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