Thursday, January 10, 2008

to sustain

on a sunny wednesday afternoon in puerto viejo, costa rica, jacqueline pamela bird day came into my life once more. and it felt like things that are supposed to be together were coming together, once more. we laid on our bellies in the five dollar room, now changed to six, looking at her book of south america. we're doing it. we are finally doing it. vague route to be taken: panama to colombia to ecuador to peru back up or around or down or whatever and eventually landing some place where a job is to be had and money is to be made. we are still at the farm, maybe for another couple months, maybe not. this is not about the planning or the route, but that we are together and what we are practicing & being mindful of & growing in & sowing on every surface our feet touch. i'm learning there are many names for such a Thing, or maybe there is just one. there are many lives that are being lived, or maybe just one. the light i was running from and later accused of being so elusive has started to make its presence known at the very central cellular level of everything i am realizing i am, and already have been forever. things aren't good or bad with us down here, they just are. i remain to be blessed. i remain to be taken care of. i remain open. and so so freaking thankful for my roots. i was thinking about jor, and how good of a man he is. i noticed making an expression today like joanne and everytime i look at my hands i think of my dad. everybody is connected and everyone brings eachother up. cool dude.


Stanley said...

Thanks for the update. I was getting concerned since you hadn't posted for awhile. Happy travels when you do finally go!

Jor said...

LOVE YOU BOOBOO! I feel terrible that i forgot to send you your knife! The holidays were intense! Insane! Went to Virginia for what was probably the last time in a very long time. It was good, nuts. In NYC for New Years and didn't get blown up! Opening Tea Room in Feb, prolly around Valentine's Day. I miss you like subtlety misses Texas! Mmmmmwwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!